Manila City News & Travel

News Updates About Manila City, Philippines


The Manila Health Department (MHD), under City Health Superintendent Dra. Marie Lorraine Sanchez is closely monitoring summer diseases which has been increasing despite continuous immunization programs of the city.

The MHD noted increases in the numbers of measles cases in children despite the immunization program by the city’s health department.

Sanchez said despite the ongoing immunization program, there has been increases in summer diseases like mumps, measles,rubella, chicken pox and conjunctivitis.

In a recent report of the different health centers, there were about 22 cases of chicken pox that underwent treatment.

The MHD treated the patients with vitamin A and paracetamol for those with fever, antibiotics for children with upper respiratory infection.

Dra Sanchez advised children with infectious diseases to stay isolated to prevent cross infection before and after scabs show since these infectious diseases are airborne infection.

Sanchez vowed no let-up in the monitoring throughout the six health districts.

March 9, 2010 Posted by | General, Health | | Leave a comment